With each click of my heel These streets call to me Stone echoes with every step Memories seep into my flesh A reckoning of time Forgiving no strife My life, the will of the fates Beckoning me to him His saving grace Between my fingers Empty taste on my lips That elusive feeling Tingling, naughty hooks Hanging on a noose I was used. I was abused I rose up from the ashes Burnt and forgotten But these streets Remembered my name. Blood etched in the marble I marvel at it’s structure Painted like a memorial Innocent but wrecked Tasting my future in Textured colored glass Bad for the system No resistance Heels to his boots These lights seen it all A perfect little princess Bright eyes in the night But the Devil calls tonight With Bourbon in his hand These streets never rest I gaze into him A figher in the day Nightly lovers In darkness But my eyes Only go to him